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MetOcean data charts and maps

Select MetOcean AtoNs and a date range to view charts, local AIS shipping data and access to data feeds and tables.

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This site is in beta user-testing stage. The data here should be considered informational and not used as the sole source of weather information.
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This site is in beta user-testing stage. The data here should be considered informational and not used as the sole source of weather information.
Irish Lights Data Services

CIL Data Services can provide buoys suited to your requirements fitted with high-tech marine sensors and communication equipment. Data services will provide 24h buoy position monitoring, reporting and data acquisition service solutions to your business. CIL will meet your businesses needs for the abstraction, storage and provision of data.

CIL can take source data from Lighthouses, buoys, oil rigs, renewable energy sites and feed it into a secure data warehouse at CIL (HQ). Our in-house software engineers can design new software, applications and provide innovative solutions for quality data service. We can develop web pages, mobile applications so you can receive live feeds straight to your mobile devices.

CIL aims to develop business opportunities for data acquisition, monitoring, reporting and communication services. These services will integrate marine services making Irish waters a safer place to do business.

MetOcean Service Disclaimer

The MetOcean data collected through a range of coastal infrastructure including floating Aids to Navigation (AtoN) and a number of Lighthouse Stations augmented with sensor technology to collect the MetOcean data in real time, is designed to provide an indication only of prevailing weather and sea state conditions to support safer navigation at sea (“MetOcean Data”). The MetOcean Data is not subjected to full quality control or quality assurance procedures and may not meet the criteria and standards of the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) or the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) AtoN performance and response requirements. The MetOcean Data should be used only for information purposes and never relied upon in isolation. It does not purport to be comprehensive and as preliminary data is to be used with appropriate caution.

No responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the Commissioners of Irish Lights and any related data providers for any errors, omissions or misleading information that may be contained in the MetOcean Data. The Commissioners of Irish Lights do not make any express or implied representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the MetOcean Data. The Commissioners of Irish Lights and associated service delivery partners accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, costs, or expenses suffered or incurred or claimed to have been suffered or incurred, or other claims for compensation in whole or in part, arising from or as a consequence of any person acting or failing or omitting to act as a result of a matter contained in the MetOcean Data or as a consequence of using or relying on the MetOcean Data for any purpose whatsoever.

The Commissioners of Irish Lights shall not be liable by reason of any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of the Commissioners of Irish Lights, its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the MetOcean Data (including any delay in providing or failure to provide the MetOcean Data) or its use by the user. All terms, other than those set out, whether express or implied by statute or otherwise, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

For all queries or to provide feedback on the MetOcean service please email MetOcean@irishlights.ie